Teacher certification (Social Studies composite)

The History Major may be combined with Teacher Certification for use in Texas public schoolteaching.
In addition to the standard History Major requirements, students seeking certification must also complete courses in the School of Education. Please see the School of Education or the Howard Payne University Catalog for specific coursework in the Teacher Certification Program.
Social Studies Composite
To qualify for the Social Studies Composite TExES exam and certification, students must complete the above requirements in addition to the interdisciplinary Social Studies Composite minor described below.
Click the link above to see a full description of the History Major curriculum.
Economics (6 hours)
ECO 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics; ECO 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
Geography (3 hours)
GEG 2310 Introduction to World Geography
Government (12 hours)
GOV 2311 American Government; GOV 2340 Social Studies of Texas
Three hours chosen from: GOV 2390 Legislative Process; GOV 3301 American Jurisprudence; GOV 4304 American Political Culture
Three hours chosen from: GOV 3321 Comparative Government; GOV 4389 U.S. Foreign Policy and I.R. Theory
Sociology or Psychology (3 hours)
SOC 1311 Introduction to Sociology–OR–PSY 1311 Introduction to Psychology
Social Science Elective (3 hours)
Any three additional hours from ECO, GEG, SOC, or PSY
*This major totals 66 hours (54 hours beyond General Education requirements); it must be combined with the General Education curriculum (54 hours) and the Secondary Professional Education coursework (21 hours). The student’s total degree hours are 129, just five hours beyond the required minimum for graduation (124).